Pozvánka na Mezinárodní studentský turnaj v basketbalu – ISBC, Moskva (Rusko) 2019

Pozvánka na Mezinárodní studentský turnaj v basketbalu – ISBC, Moskva (Rusko) 2019


Russian Association of Student Basketball wants to invite your university to participate in our annual international tournament – International Student Basketball Cup (ISBC).

In 2019, ISBC will take place in Moscow, Russia from May 27 to June 4.
Last year more than 160 participants from 12 European and Asian countries took part in ISBC. Student teams from Russia, Serbia, Estonia, Greece, China, Belarus, Poland, Israel, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Ukraine, Cyprus, and Kazakhstan played in tournament. This year we are expecting to have 16 men teams from 15 countries.

Rules for admission: active students with the date of birth from 1991 to 2003. You can apply with a National team, combined by the students from different universities of one country or with one University team.

Format: four groups of 4 teams. After a 3-day group stage, the teams will get a day off, than play 3-day playoff stage. The finals will be for places 15 through 1. Each team is guaranteed 6 games in the tournament. All the games will be played according to the Official FIBA Basketball Rules.
In addition to competition, for all participants a sightseeing and entertainment program will be organized.
In Annex 1 you can find the tentative program of the tournament day-by-day.

Register fee: 20 euro per 1 person a day (for accommodation in the 3-star hotel) or 40 euro (for the 4-star hotel). That fee includes accommodation (Standard Twin rooms for the players and Standard Single rooms for the coaches/staff), food, transportation (in Moscow), laundry, sightseeing and events.
The deposit for participation in the ISBC 2019 has been determined as of 500 euro for each team. We expect your payment by March 28, 2019 to guarantee your participation. This deposit will go towards the repayment of the register fee in case of participation and will not be returned in case team are not arriving.

More current information about the Cup will become available on ISBC landing page soon: www.isbcup.com and on official social media: Facebook, Instagram, VK.
To submit an application fill in the form (Annex 2) and send it to the address.

For information on the registration, rules and regulations, schedule, registration fees and more details, kindly contact:
ISBC Project manager: Anastasia Belogurova
E-mail: belogurova@pro100basket.ru;
Mobile: +7 (925) 853-52-44;
Tel: +7 (499) 995-04-91.

Association of Student Basketball (ASB) hosts the ISBC. ASB is the official university basketball league in Russia. The league was launched in 2007. Our ultimate goal is to involve as many students as possible into the sport of basketball, providing each and every one of them with the best opportunity to grow his or her game. We integrate 800 college and university teams all over the country and 10 000 student-athletes currently playing more than 5000 games every season.

ASB is the official partner of Russian Basketball Federation entitled to develop college basketball in the country.

117105 Moscow, Russia
Varshavskoe shosse, 1 h., 1-2 bld., office А609
Phone: +7 (499) 995-04-91
E-mail: asb@pro100basket.ru