FISU World Forum and FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy 2020 - Update

FISU World Forum and FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy 2020 – Update


As you know, FISU has been closely monitoring the current situation and is permanently assessing its evolution.

Unfortunately, today FISU regrets to inform you that, due to the current situation worldwide, the FISU Steering Committee in agreement with the respective local organising committees have taken the decision to cancel both the FISU World Forum and the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy in their physical form.

Nevertheless, to safeguard those traditional events of the FISU programme, to ensure the continuity of the relationship between the FISU Member Associations and in order not to lose the large amount of work put in together both by the organisers, the FISU committee members involved as well as the FISU staff, those two events will be organised in a modified version, online, allowing all of you and your respective communities to attend sessions on various topics.

We invite you to save the date for the digital edition of the FISU World Forum which will be held on 12-14 August 2020. More details about the programme, speakers and registration process will be provided in the coming weeks.

Regarding the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy, two sessions will be held respectively on 22-23 June 2020 and on 4-6 September 2020. More details on the programme and technical information will be shared in the coming weeks.