EUSA představila nový projekt GETZ

Projekt GETZ – Gender Equality Toolkit for generation Z


EUSA ve spolupráci s programem Evropské Unie Erasmus+ představila nový projekt Gender Equality Toolkit for generation Z (GETZ), zaměřený na vzdělávání generace Z v otázkách týkajících se rovnosti žen a mužů a rovných příležitostí ve sportu, spustil online program. Registrace je zdarma. Program mladým lidem, aby se stali nositeli změn a lídry ve sportu, kteří budou schopni řešit genderové stereotypy a překážky pro budoucí generace.

Obsah je rozdělen do 6 jednotek:

  1. kultura a společnost,
  2. správa a právo,
  3. obchod,
  4. média,
  5. účast,
  6. události.

Více na nebo Facebook , Twitter and Youtube (@getzproject).

GETZ project flier with description of the contents


Originál (ENG):

Let’s GETZ going!


Let's GETZ going!

The Gender Equality Toolkit for generation Z (GETZ) project, targeting to educate generation Z on the issues relating to gender equality and equal opportunities in sport, launched the online toolkit. Register for free access and help us spread the word!

The massive open online course (MOOC) will be able to facilitate young people to become change agents and leaders in sport, being able to tackle gender stereotypes and barriers for future generations.

The contents is divided into 6 units: Culture and Society, Governance and Law, Commerce, Media, Participation and Events. Join the conversation and let your voice be heard!

The toolkit is part of the GETZ project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project, which started in 2018, is coordinated by the University of Worcester (GBR), with project partners Molde University College (NOR), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (NED), Vrije Universiteit Brussels (BEL), Swedish Sports Confederation (SWE), Croatian Olympic Committee (CRO) and EUSA Institute (SLO).

EUSA introduced the GETZ project to our members through our publications and social media, as well as at the FISU-EUSA Seminar in Kranjska Gora in April 2019. Workshops are also planned to be carried out during the European Universities Games 2020 in Belgrade this summer.

Visit to register and access the toolkit and get information about the project. You are also very welcome to follow GETZ on Facebook , Twitter and Youtube; you will find us under @getzproject.

GETZ project banner