Mezinárodní den univerzitního sportu / IDUS 2020 Celebration - Request for information (eng)

IDUS 2020 celebration – Request for information


As you know, the International Day of University Sport (IDUS), officially proclaimed by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO) on the proposal of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), is celebrated annually on 20 September.

Through this event, multiple university sports stakeholders and member organisations are involved in IDUS activities (#letsidus campaign), not only as a way to promote its sports events but also to create a debate on university sport and to promote university sport values. IDUS serves as a platform to exchange ideas, best practices, challenges and opportunities within and through university sport worldwide.

We would like to check with you as our members how you are planning to celebrate the IDUS this year, potentially also linking it with the European Week of Sport (#beactive campaign) which is observed the last week in September.

We would also like to let you know that EUSA Executive Committee approved the proposal to celebrate the IDUS in one of the EUSA active member countries, together with its member National University Sport Association. Should your NUSA be interested to host such a joint celebration this September, we kindly ask you to let us know about your plans and proposed activities. EUSA will support the selected organisation of the celebration in the amount of up to 5.000 EUR.

The EUSA Executive Committee will at its next meeting, which will be held in June, select the National University Sports Association who will host the joint #letsidus (and #beactive) activities this year.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to receiving the information about your planned activities.

Related document
IDUS 2020 celebration – Request for information